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Author Title Folder Created
Hans Gerlich REMEMBER.....

No rating, please

H Gerlich 23-Apr-2007
Mike Bywater Remembrance

Remembrance day 2008, Wakefield. This site has since been redeveloped (construction ongoing) so if I get a picture this year it will look a bit different)

Mike Bywater's Pics 13-Apr-2012
Dave Hall Reminiscent of Hilda Ogden.

Hilda Ogden was a character in the UK soap, Coronation St. She had three plaster flying geese on here sitting room wall, probably better spaced out than these.

Dave Hall's bird photographs. 11-Dec-2012
Bill Hanks Repair or Replace

Looks like the infamous ccd sensor died. Trying to decide whether to get the C-5050 repaired or buy a new C-7070

Bill Hanks 26-Jul-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Repovesi Sceneries 1

A scenery from the top of Katajavuori in Repovesi national park. This fairly large national park is one of my favourite places in southern Finland for full day hiking in nature. It takes 2 hours drive by car from Helsinki and then additional one hour of hiking to get this location but it is worth the effort. To my the scenery from this rocky hill (I wouldn´t dare to call this mountain) represents exactly an idea of typical Finnish national landscape as seen by the lanscape painters of 19th century nationalistic romantic movement.

Common area 04-Aug-2010
Pekka Nihtinen Repovesi Sceneries 2

Another scenery from top of Katajavuori. Due to clouds and hard wind lighting conditions were changing rapidly. For this shot I used also ND4 nautral density gradual grey filter.

Common area 04-Aug-2010
Pekka Nihtinen Repovesi Sceneries 3

View from Tervajärvi ("Tar Lake") in Repovesi national park. Weather was bit on a gray side so in order to amke something out of it I took five shots with different exposures a HDR in my mind but after all this here is just a single exposure photo.

Common area 04-Aug-2010
dee vee Republic of Mc Donald

Pier 45

The Bay Area 07-Jan-2014
Pavel Korduliak Resov waterfall 1 water... 26-Oct-2007
juliette gribnau respiratory pore of a snail

"respiratory pore" of a snail

my macro's 15-Nov-2015