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Author Title Folder Created
Randall Beaudin Red Sun

Miniature set. Another in Tomato series. Hi everyone, enjoying my cigar!

RanD'Art 02-Feb-2006
Colin Hammerton Red sunset

Right out my living room window

Colin Hammerton 26-Sep-2004
dee vee Red surf

China Beach

The Bay Area 11-Jan-2014
Valorie Spencer Red Tail

July 4, 2007 Neighborhood show, red blast. Humid and buggy night.

Florida Style 05-Jul-2007
Leon Plympton Red Tail Hawk

During a recent walk through Paynes Prairie I had this immature Red Shoulder Hawk make a 'fly by'.

Common area 26-Mar-2007
Dave Hall Red Tailed Buzzard

Taken at Owl & Falcon sancuary Isle of Wight.

Dave Hall's bird photographs. 03-Apr-2005
Kevin Dude Red Tailed Hawk Young Male

Young Male Red Tailed Hawk. Taken with my E500 + Olympus OM 65-200mm @5.6

My Birds 07-Feb-2008
Peter French Red Throated Diver (Winter)

Red Throated Diver on the River Ythan, Aberdeenshire, Northern Scotland.

Peter's Birds 16-Jan-2007
Sergey Green Red Tram sngreen 17-Mar-2006
Bob Halford Red Tree

I liked the tree with all it's needles but ready to shead them with a naked tree just behind it.

Rule Sixty Two 14-Nov-2005