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Author Title Folder Created
Fonzy - Red Robin (2) My Birds 2007 15-Dec-2007
Fonzy - Red Robin (3) My Birds 2007 15-Dec-2007
Fonzy - Red Robin (4)

First shot with the E-3

E-3 2008 25-Dec-2007
Fonzy - RED ROBIN (5)

Camera E5 It's not in the list yet so I market the E3

E5-2010 25-Nov-2010
Fonzy - RED ROBIN II 2011-E5 14-Mar-2011
Fonzy - Red Robin in the Sunset(Revised) ****Thanks Randall****
Could make one shot from this Red Robin during Sunset then it hide in the undergrowth.
My Birds 2006 16-Jan-2006
Neil Macleod Red Rock

Unique formats of stone in Red Rock Park.

natur 15-Apr-2009
Neil Macleod Red Rock Park

Panoramic of a section of Red Rock Park

natur 16-Apr-2009
Bruce Thomas Red Rocks Canyon Park, Colorado Springs

Local Park "Red Rocks Canyon" was recently aquired by the city from Private owners. It operated as a Quary for many years...Olympus C-2100UZ

Bruce Thomas 15-Jul-2007
Dave Hall Red rose David's flower photographs 02-Jul-2006