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Author Title Folder Created
Kevin Dude Red Dragonfly and Wild Grape Leaf

This is one of many insects I was able to see at the local Ganargua Creek Meadow Preserve. Most did not sit still long enough to get a good look at but a few were not camera shy. This is one. I used my Olympus OM 65-200mm.

Closeup and Insects 09-Jul-2008
Bruce Thomas Red Earth / Blue Globe... Bruce Thomas 08-Dec-2007
Sergey Green Red Flower sngreen 05-Nov-2005
Shany K. Red Flower Shany's 11-Jan-2008
Sergey Green Red Flower (2) sngreen 21-Apr-2006
Sergey Green Red Flower (3) sngreen 13-May-2006
Hans Gerlich Red Fly Agaric H Gerlich 13-Sep-2006
Ricard Bergstr?m Red fox Ricards animals 18-Nov-2004
Joe Saladino Red Fox

This red fox comes to my house from the forest every evening looking for a handout. This shot was taken from my dining room window.

Critters 11-Nov-2013
Pickerel Yee red girl on red house pickerel 06-Oct-2005