The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Rocco Zoric Radosna vijest Croatia 17-Jun-2006
Brian Roberts Rage Gladiator

Portrait of a Cage Gladiator.

BR Photos 02-Oct-2008
Frank Snedaker Rail Bridge FSnedpics 15-Jan-2007
Bruno Filipazzi Railing

Bergamo, a town in northern Italy

Photos 14-Sep-2006
Adolfo Hernandez railroad monterrey 21-Sep-2006
paul missall Railroad Switch Paul's World 14-Feb-2015
Neil Macleod Railway Ave Landscape_1 17-Feb-2010
manuel sousa Railway_Station 19-May-2008
Damjan Gosak rain

I used olympus e420 and old om lenses (cosina 28-210). This one was taken at 210mm focal length and manual focus. I like some rain drops (looks like falling), etc.

My photos - olympus 21-Feb-2010
Joshua Beniston rain drops

during a storm out the back of the house this was taken

Random photos of mine 11-Jan-2008