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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > Didl's Oly C-7070 pics > They say equipment doesn't matter...

They say equipment doesn't matter...

They say equipment doesn't matter...
Copyright ©2007, Dietrich Gloger
Viewed times

Hello all! A new era has begun - i went DSLR. Unfortunately I am not allowed to post images taken with my new Canon EOS, and it's the only Cam I use since i got it a few weeks ago. I dont know if i will be posting new images taken with my C-7070 or if i will dig out some from the archive to post it. So i dont know if I will continue to be an active member here - and I feel a bit sad about this, but the urge to use a DSLR will eventually prevent me from using my C-7070 anymore. It served me well and it will never be sold for due to nostalgic reasons. However i want to thank all people here for sharing, for encouragement and all the nice comments. I felt very comfortable here and I learned a lot. Thanks to all and I wish you a great 2007, Regards, Dietrich

Photographer: Dietrich Gloger
Folder: Didl's Oly C-7070 pics
Uploaded: 08-Jan-2007 17:02 CET
Current Rating: 10.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C7070
Exposure time:
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Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 200
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: resized
Image resized to: 450x600

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Good Luck Dietrich

Congrats on the new camera Dietrich. Do hope it serves you well, hey what?s in a name eh! IMO these days they are all just about the same in the end, all one can hope for is reliability. I too toyed with the idea of DSLR, but vetoed it as I spent many, many years lugging around tons of equipment, and you know I never did have the right lens mounted for a given shot and was always changing them;-) So for me point and shoots work well enough. Good luck to you and do drop by Myolympus from time to time eh.

Randall Beaudin at 19:14 CET on 08-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Thanks Randall!
Well, whats in a name. You are right. The thing with DSLR is the bigger sensor, in my case a full-frame. Also noise is an issue, or not anymore now :-).Especially low-light capabilities are far superior than that of the C-7070. Then the variety of lenses, hence different focal lenght's that can be used etc. A lot of advantages for me, but this is subjective. But since I am more interested in Outdoor, Landscape etc. i.e. photography under non-ideal lightning as opposed to photography in controlled settings (studio-work, portrait) this becomes indeed important. Last but not least - it was a gift from my parents for graduating from university - so it holds a very special symbolic value for me.
Thanks for your words, this is much appreciated,
Regards Dietrich

Dietrich Gloger at 19:44 CET on 08-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Thanks for your words Ole! I definitely have not given up the idea of using my C-7070. So lets see what the future will bring...
I will stick around ;-)
Regards Dietrich

Dietrich Gloger at 19:50 CET on 08-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Good Luck with your cannon camera. I Have the Olympus E500 It is a DSLR a great camera. Regard Kirsty

kirsty bushell at 21:14 CET on 08-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Don't worry Dietrich... you will be using your 7070 onwards too. I have E-330 and my old 5060 both in use. There will be situations when you just do not want to or simply can't carry 5kg of hardware with you and anyway it is always good to have some backup camera with you when travelling if youtr new "Number One" let's you down. Anyway it's a pity that you leave this forum and we can not see your photos here anymore and also a pity that your new Number One is a C.. Monoculture is always a bad thing and the C seems to cover already some 70-80% of the DSLR market. Of course there are some undisputable and obvious and some not at all so obvious reasons for this. I used to shoot Canon SLR for ten years before changing for Olympus.
I wish you all the best and many great shots with your new camera. Tsch?ss, Pekka.

Pekka Nihtinen at 12:04 CET on 09-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Hello Pekka, thanks for your contribution. I agree with your opinion in every aspect. I have choosen C.. for some reasons: Most choice of lenses from non-canon manufacturers. Even Leica lenses can used with an adaptor(ok i am not sure, maybe that is also true with the right adaptor for olympus dslr's). The noise/lowlight-capabilities of the full-frame sensor is just awesome, this is really something i want. And i want to have the pixel-resources for large prints. I mean large: 100cm in the longer dimension for that awesome yosemity-halfdome-image a I am planning to take in the future..;-).
Regards Dietrich

Dietrich Gloger at 12:23 CET on 09-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Thanks Kirsty!
I ve' already had the pleasure to use the E-500 and its a great Camera. I has a nice feel.
Regards Dietrich

Dietrich Gloger at 12:25 CET on 09-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Good look whith your camera Dietrich. I use a Dsrl like your and also my 8080. Best regards

Sergio Di Giovanni at 19:52 CET on 09-Jan-2007 [Reply]


that is the dream of my husband...I wish you all the best...

karmen orlić gr?etić at 21:12 CET on 09-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Thanks Sergio!

Dietrich Gloger at 10:20 CET on 10-Jan-2007 [Reply]


Karmen, this has also been my dream - sometimes they come true. Good luck for your husband!
Hvala lijepo!

Dietrich Gloger at 10:22 CET on 10-Jan-2007 [Reply]