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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > 0-0-2005 Pictures > My Macro 2006 > Moon viewed from the Netherlands

Moon viewed from the Netherlands

Moon viewed from the Netherlands
Copyright ©2005, Fonzy -
Viewed times

To show Bevellee (Down Under) wat the moon look's like on top off her...;-)

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Macro 2006
Uploaded: 24-Jun-2005 14:37 CEST
Current Rating: 8.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time:
Focal length: 560mm
Lens: ZD50-200mm /1.4 converter
Focusing method: Manual
ISO: auto
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 596x749

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The moon as seen in the Netherlands

Fons was this shot taken in the sepia mode, I ask, because of the color on the moon.

Kerland Elder at 00:54 CEST on 25-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Sepia Mode

You have a good eye on the subject kerland, it was transferred to Sepia, the colour of the moon was to bright when I took the picture

Fonzy - at 01:39 CEST on 25-Jun-2005 [Reply]

Nice co-incidence

Thank you for posting this shot Fons. I just bought an E-500 w the kit lenes and am considering purchasing the same lens combination as you have here. Your nice shot of the moon is further encouragement for me.

Loren Lewis at 13:52 CET on 17-Dec-2005 [Reply]