The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs


Copyright ©2010, Steve Zeljko Sutic
Viewed times

beauty of a smile

Photographer: Steve Zeljko Sutic
Folder: my E30 first shots
Uploaded: 18-Apr-2010 00:21 CEST
Current Rating: 7.00/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E30
Exposure time: 1/640
Aperture: f3
Focal length: 62mm
Lens: Olympus 14-54mm F2.8-3.5 II
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 200
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: crop
Image resized to: 900x1200

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Nice portrait

Nice portrait, good colors. Whiteout background works like high key. Maybe cropped a bit more like rules of thirds? Well done.

Olav Agnar Frogner at 17:52 CEST on 18-Apr-2010 [Reply]


Shouldn't the eyes in a portrait be the part of the image which is most in focus?

Alfred Molon at 21:17 CEST on 20-Apr-2010 [Reply]