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Canadian Goose2

Canadian Goose2
Copyright ©2007, syed noman
Viewed times

Photographer: syed noman
Uploaded: 02-Jun-2007 02:04 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time:
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Flash: no
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Image resized to: 600x800

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Shelley O'Connell wrote:
> Hi Syed,
> I like this take of the Canada Goose, the detail in his wet head and neck feathers, the colors
> and the contrast is good
> I have noticed that out of the three photos - this one and another have CA- this one on the
> white of the neck . I know when I use my Olympus Zuiko Lens 300 mm I get a lot of CA which
> I attempt to remove in the PSCS raw conversion and the noise levels.
> What lens did you use? I think there is a way of stepping down the settings to get rid of
> the CA but don't know how to myself.
> Regards,
> Shelley
First shelly thanks for the comments and rating.
To be honest i don't remember which lens i used but it would be either sigma om 300mm or vivitar series 1 200mm with a 2x converter.My personel experience is i get CA on both the lenses but if i use vivitar without the converter it is almost minimum but i don't use it without the converter as i need more reach and it is not enough.I also didn't know how to eliminate it by setting but if i learn something about it i will let you know and if you learn how to reduce it please let me know also.

syed noman at 02:35 CEST on 05-Jun-2007 [Reply]