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Author Title Folder Created
Rocco Zoric Plitvice autmn_2 Croatia 21-Nov-2005
Rocco Zoric Plitvice autmn_3 Croatia 24-Nov-2005
Rocco Zoric Plitvice autmn_4 Croatia 21-Nov-2005
Rocco Zoric Plitvice winter _3 Croatia 09-Jan-2009
Rocco Zoric Plitvice winter_1 Croatia 09-Jan-2009
Rocco Zoric Plitvice Winter_2 Croatia 09-Jan-2009
Fonzy - Plover This birds was flying all the time over my head , making quite a noise to scare me away I think...
Maybe I came to close to the nesting area...
To bad I could not manage to make a more sharper shot of it ...
My Birds 2007 10-Apr-2007
Fonzy - Plover (2)

High in the sky these birds were dancing , shot it hand hold , following these birds with the heavy ED300 was not easy ... It's not a pin sharp image but I just wanted to show you how close they are dancing together...

My Birds 2007 24-Apr-2007
H. K. Tang Plover Cove one Feb morning

Mid-morning, already the water is still surprisingly calm.

ehktang Monochrome 21-Feb-2009
Joyce Madden Plum Jpatm 04-May-2008