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Author Title Folder Created
Ricardo Rico Playing with shadows Ricardo R. Rico 31-May-2007
Karen Jack Playtime

My brother's dog "Hooch" is a great subject to practice on. He never stays still for a second and because he's pitch black it's very hard to get the exposure right.

Fav Dogs 07-Oct-2007
Rina Kupfer Plazma Ball Rina's 02-Jan-2008
Rocco Zoric Plaža u bratusi Croatia 13-Nov-2007
syed noman Please don't disturb PATJHAR 21-Oct-2006
Hans Gerlich Please, don't touch me H Gerlich 11-Aug-2008
Mike Babson Pleurotus pulmonarius

Unfortunatly these are late in the season and perhaps 'passed their best'. If I have identified them correctly, the book stated that they are edible, however I don't fancy them much.

MikeB pictures 26-Dec-2006
Nikolai Y Pleven Pics 15-Feb-2008
Fonzy - Plitvica Croatie

Pitvica National Park in Croatie famous for the many waterfalls.

My-Travel 27-Aug-2005
Rocco Zoric Plitvice autmn_1 Croatia 16-Nov-2005