The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Pedro Afonso poor house Pedro Afonso & E500 03-Mar-2006
Hans Gerlich Poor Kitchen H Gerlich 30-Oct-2006
Fonzy - poor mans yacht club My-Travel 13-Aug-2005
Istvan Szabo poort of Rotteram Terra-dreams 07-Jul-2005
Donald Bryant poplar bark

closeup of the bark of a Lombardy Poplar tree

Textures 08-May-2006
Ram?n Palomo Poplar tree Zuiko 200mm f4 29-Jul-2005
Sergio Di Giovanni poplars Some photos 28-May-2005
Sergio Di Giovanni poplars (2) Some photos 29-May-2005
Bruce Thomas Poppa Finch - Feeding the brood

Poppa finch caught feeding the brood. Camera on tripod, intervelometer cord releases the shutter every 4 seconds, I leave the area, and come back later to see what we got.

Bruce Thomas 29-Jun-2011
Dave Hall Poppies David's flower photographs 25-Jun-2008