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Author Title Folder Created
Katrina Adams Pioneer Mountain

The view from my brothers front room.

Alaskan Images 07-Mar-2007
Katrina Adams Pioneer Mountain (2) Alaskan Images 11-Mar-2007
Katrina Adams Pioneer Mountain Sunrise Panorama

A early morning low light series of photos, Alaskan sunrise.

Alaskan Images 07-Mar-2007
Rina Kupfer Pipe Organ

Was taken at the Notre-Dame de Montréal Basilica

Rina's 05-Nov-2007
Peter French Pipit


RAW 2007 28-May-2007
David Bain Pippin

I thought the cat people might like to meet Pippin, my daughter's four-legged friend. Seen here at his cutest last year he's now passed through the horrible claws and teeth stage, is nearly a year old and superbly soppy!

Common area 07-Apr-2005
David Bain Pippin2

Pippin as he is now. I couldn't resist the chance to add a caption.

Common area 07-Apr-2005
mi lo Piranha

shot in a kind of "Sea World" in my city

mickeyl's home 23-Feb-2006
dee vee Pirate

7th street, San Francisco

Urban scenes 23-Sep-2013
Adrie Hubregtsen Pirates of the Caribbean Adrie-OM 20-Jan-2013