The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dave Hall Peter David's people photographs. 10-Apr-2009
eric geers Peter reading newspaper 2

Peter reading a newspaper, again...

Eric's pics 13-Nov-2005
Neal Friedenthal Peter, Paul and Mary 2006

Peter, Paul and Mary concert in 2006 after Mary had her bone marrow transplant and everything was looking good.

Olympus "e" images 06-Jul-2010
Neal Friedenthal Peterson Farm

John Peterson's farm Hunterdon county NJ

Olympus "e" images 26-Oct-2010
Fonzy - Petit square in Paris My-Travel 30-Jul-2007
Fabio Pegasus Petra mirage Travel 27-Dec-2004
John Singleton Peveril Castle JohnSingleton 21-Dec-2006
Sergey Green PF sngreen 14-Feb-2006
Greg Mennegar Pffffft! OM-D E-M1 23-Jul-2014
Hans Gerlich Phalaenopsis H Gerlich 22-Mar-2010