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Author Title Folder Created
fri go749 Patrouille de France Alpha Jets Common area 29-Sep-2010
Ken Thomas Patterns of Nature

Taken with the Four Thirds 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 on an EX-25 extension tube and an MMF-3 adaptor

Ken's Images 16-May-2016
Raimund Hagemes Pause krebs 09-Oct-2009
Eben Gay Pause for reflection

Foliage reflecting on misty stream in early morning

Fotos 24-Oct-2014
Dido Mihajlov Pavo Real Madrid 19-Nov-2006
Nyal Cammack Paya Bay, Roatan Honduras

Shot of the Paya Bay Resort in Roatan, Honduras. Went on a holiday cruise and got to see the resort on a day trip. Lovely place, very relaxing vibe to it.
NCammack Photos 08-Feb-2012

A look across the prairie from the observation platform provides a glimpse of the variety of wildlife that call Paynes Prairie home.

Common area 26-Mar-2007
Tom Bower Payten Regina

I just love this shot of our grandaughter at her christening. She was six months old at the time and seemed to be fascinated by the whole affair!

That's Mommy in the backround.

Common area 19-Aug-2005
Rocco Zoric pcela

Autor: Rocco Zoric

Animals 14-Nov-2005
Andrew Mclean PEACE


starting out 14-May-2007