The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Hans Gerlich Painted Lady/Vanessa cardui H Gerlich 24-May-2009
Richard Ociepka Painted Lobster Buoys Richard Ociepka 14-Aug-2005
Pedro Afonso Painted rocks Pedro Afonso & E500 19-Apr-2006
mi lo Painted Sky mickeyl's home 19-Aug-2010
Juan Salvatierra Painted wall

Street decoration in Bilbao, Spain

JSC 22-Jul-2006
fri go749 Paints Common area 19-Aug-2006
Jim Sabatke Pair of Moored Boats

Just a pair of boats moored.

Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 04-Mar-2006
Jim Sabatke Pair of Moored Boats - Denoised

Just a couple of boats

Jim's Denmark, Poland and Slovakia 29-Mar-2007
Rocco Zoric Paiz na Hvaru Croatia 06-Oct-2006
Herbert Eisengruber Pakal the Great - Palenque

The Deathmask of Pakal the Great - Ancient Ruler of Palenque, Mexico. The mask is made of Jade and is located in the Museum of Antropolgy in Mexico City. This photo is taken handheld without flash or tripod. Both are not allowed in the museum.

Herbert Eisengruber 25-Apr-2005