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Author Title Folder Created
Randy Rufo Paglalayag randz 03-Feb-2009
Vadim Raskin Pain

I was impressed with this sculpture in the American Indians exposition. The sculptor was able to express the pain so beautifully.

NYC - trip to the Metropolitan Museum 23-Feb-2012
Jim Sabatke Painted Cranes

A previously uploaded photo manipulated with the greycstoration program.

Jim's Stuff 07-Mar-2007
Fonzy - Painted Dog

Here you can see the original image:
My Painted Images 15-May-2006
Fonzy - Painted DOG (2)

Painted in Corel painter and some minor work in CS2

My Painted Images 28-Feb-2007
Q Myers Painted Hills

Painted Hills unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Central Oregon. Taken in the early morning from 2000' from my ultralight powered parachute.

Aerial 19-Aug-2005
Q Myers Painted Hills 2

Painted Hills unit of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument in Central Oregon. Taken in the early morning light from 2000' in my ultralight powered parachute.

Aerial 19-Aug-2005
juliette gribnau Painted Lady

a butterfly that comes from africa and flies to Iceland, but sometimes stays in the Netherlands , mostly if the wind to fly to Iceland isn't good

my macro's 28-Jul-2016
Ray Page Painted Lady 1 Ray's Pics 12-Aug-2007
Ray Page Painted Lady 2 Ray's Pics 12-Aug-2007