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Author Title Folder Created
Donald Bryant Orchard Blossoms

Ornamental plum in full bloom.

Natural 11-Apr-2006
Donald Bryant orchard bounty

apples ready for harvest in a nearby orchard

Natural 08-Oct-2006
Donald Bryant Orchard Dandelions

Apple orchard in bloom and full of Dandelions

Landscapes 30-Apr-2006
ismail eski orchid Some photos 25-Feb-2005
Fonzy - Orchid My Macro 2006 21-Oct-2005
Damjan Gosak Orchid My photos - olympus 11-Apr-2010
Peter Redey Orchid

Macro orchid phalaenopsis

Locksley Picture Gallery 03-Mar-2012
Fonzy - Orchid (2) My Macro 2006 25-Oct-2005
Fonzy - Orchid (3) My Macro 2006 28-Oct-2005
Fonzy - Orchid (4)

Same Orchid as before this time however I used a little spot to light it out.

My Macro 2006 28-Oct-2005