The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Selim Ataz opal Gems 26-Jul-2007
Pekka Nihtinen Opel & Kiasma

Well.. a bit strange combination but this old Opel from the 1970īs was parked in front of Kiasma - Helsinki museum of modern art.

Common area 14-Aug-2009
Andrew Mclean open all hours

shot at a local op[en air museum

starting out 17-Oct-2007
Kim W Open All Night

This is an iris photo taken at night and I have enhanced with Contrast and Offset

Kim's Photos 14-Jun-2009
Piero Magnani Open gallery Common area 03-Jun-2005
Denny Giacobe Open Wide

Had to see my dentist for some work, after the work was completed he agreed to let me take some pictures.

DennyG 08-Feb-2014
manuel sousa Opening 15-May-2006
Al Lewis Opening Night

Dancers at a local concert. What they lacked in coordination they made up with enthusiasm.

Alcal 12-Jun-2005
Bill Fenlon Opera House side door

The colors just appealed to me.

Bill Fenlon 27-Sep-2004
Pedro Afonso Oporto Pedro Afonso & E500 12-Jun-2006