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Author Title Folder Created
Fonzy - Oniscus asellus

We call it "Pissebed " , Anybody knows the English name for it? If you touch it it rolls up like a little ball.

My Macro 2006 04-Jul-2005
marco vixy Onofrio

i don't know his real name but onofrio sounds nice

Marcovixy 29-Nov-2004
Denny Giacobe OnTheBeach DennyG 11-Mar-2009
Denny Giacobe OnTheRoad DennyG 14-Mar-2009
Denny Giacobe OnTheSteps DennyG 09-May-2009
Dave Hamlin Oooh....what a night

Poor Santa, New Years Day 1/1/2005

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 03-Jan-2005
Andrew Mclean ooooh! chase me

this is a one of the duck we fed at our caravan park over the summer one male would chase all the other males away from the food until the female had eaten her share

starting out 16-Dec-2006
Karen Jack Oooooh...I'm Beautiful!

Looks like this handsome little fellow's just seen his reflection; LOL!

Fav Bird Shots 06-Apr-2007
Phil Battersby Oops I've just dropped my lunch

Another bird self portrait. I am no bird expert and am having difficulty identifying this bird. The back looks too grey for a marsh/willow tit.

Help please from the bird experts.

Recent Photos 22-May-2005
Hans Gerlich Oostertocht At Night H Gerlich 12-Feb-2008