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Author Title Folder Created
Bruce Thomas One Hundred Minus One...

Olympus Digicam, Digital Infrared, Colorado Springs...

Bruce Thomas 03-Dec-2007
Ingrid Matschke One lonely lily

I got this shot at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens today. The lighting is natural. I've removed the background clutter.

Close up/Macro 07-Mar-2007
Randall Beaudin One Man

Local Fire Fighter

Common area 10-Dec-2004
Andrew Mclean one mans rubbish

on the same walk as i got the wee beast i spotted this leather chair dumped in a field

starting out 02-Sep-2008
Randall Beaudin One Man~Image 2 Common area 21-Dec-2004
Loren Lewis One more Dragonfly

Dragonfly on a stump

Loren's Photos 28-Sep-2006
Fillip ter Haar One of Greeks Beauties

Photo taken few minutes after the wings dried up. Butterfly resting on the host plant: (Arbutus Unedo) The photo is never enough to see its real beauty! In real its glows and looks like metal!

Fillip's little things 04-Apr-2006
Sergio Di Giovanni One of my cats Some photos 03-Feb-2005
Bruce Thomas One Of The Lucky 20...

This is a rare photo!!

Rare because the watershed it was taken in has been closed to the public for 107 years!! A plan to open much of the watershed to day use has been proposed and hikes of 20 people at a time have been allowed to 'tour' the area and hear about the plan to open it up to the public. Today was the first hike, and I was able to be one of "The Lucky 20" who was able to be on the first hike.

Olympus E-30, one RAW image processed via SilkyPix v4.0 as -2 -1 0 +1 +2 and assembled in PhotoMatix 3.0

Photoshop used for final color balance, sizing and sharpening.

The E30 was in "Landscape" Scene mode

Bruce Thomas 28-Jun-2010
Neal Friedenthal one of those mornings !!

My son on one of those mornings when he should have stayed in bed

Olympus "e" images 19-Jan-2012