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nick pena old town

before the crowd

Nick P. e-500 23-Feb-2008
nick pena old town 2 Nick P. e-500 27-Feb-2008
nick pena old town stroll

One of the many shots taken at a recent wedding

Nick P. e-500 23-Apr-2008
Randall Beaudin Old Tree House

Remember when you built and played in one of these "deep" in the forest?

RanD'Art 03-Apr-2007
Nyal Cammack Old Tucson Freight Depot

One more from Old Tucson Studios:

They've got some neat sets there and a lot of history from the old westerns! Mucho post process in GIMP to try and get the old time sepia look.

NCammack Photos 11-Oct-2011
dee vee Old vs New

Bay Bridge

The Bay Area 23-Dec-2013
Joe Saladino Old watch with a broken spring

Camera was an Olympus C8080WZ digital. Aperture priority at f 8.0, macro setting with manual focus. Handheld flash off to side of subject.

Photos 14-Dec-2006
dee vee Old Western

Point Reyes station

Urban scenes 11-Jul-2013
Andrew Mclean old wheel

spotted this on an old piece of farm equipment

starting out 16-May-2006
manuel sousa Old wind mill 27-May-2006