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Author Title Folder Created
John Larkin Old Hudson painted

I was thinking of doing something like this before but never really had the right subject for it until now. So after Steve promted me with this image to convert it to black and white, I thought it would make a good painted conversion. Thanks Steve!

John Larkin's E300 images 11-Nov-2005
Hans Gerlich Old Kitchen H Gerlich 29-Oct-2006
calin crestin old lady with puppy Photos 08-Mar-2009
Filaretos Doukas old lamp 1PicsFromGreece 12-Aug-2007
Jes Consuegra Old lens

Taken with a Carl Zeiss Pancolar 50mm f1.8, Exakta mount on the E-330 with an Exakta to OEM 4/3 adapter, wide open.

jesito pictures 13-Jun-2011
Lee W Old Macro Bellows on a New Body

This is a beautiful 30-year old macro bellows lens made by Konica on an Olympus E500 body. The 105mm focal length plus the x2 sensor factor makes it a 210mm equivalent macro set up. Manual focusing is easy. The long focus distance makes macro picture taking, such as of bugs, a lot easier. The conventional zoom macro's working distance usually is too short where the lens almost touches the imaged object in large magnification. Pictures from this set up come next.

Lee's Collections 08-Apr-2007
Coverack Old Man Coverack People 26-Jun-2008
Pekka Nihtinen Old Man and the Sea Common area 16-Feb-2013
Lee W Old Man and The Sea Lee's Collections 09-Jan-2006
Ingrid Matschke Old man baboon

Taken at the Adelaide zoo yesterday. He might be old but he's still the boss.

Ingrid Matschke 25-Mar-2007