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Author Title Folder Created
Mike Babson Old Chapel,

In Cwmorthin, Snowdonia

MikeB pictures 21-Oct-2007
Pekka Nihtinen Old Chevy Common area 24-Aug-2008
Pekka Nihtinen Old Chevy 2 Common area 25-Aug-2008
Andrew Mclean old church

outside of an old run down church next to my caravan

starting out 03-May-2006
Andrew Mclean old church inside

the inside of the old run down church

starting out 08-May-2006
Kiffin Miller Old cottage

Old cottage Beechworth Victoria Australia A gold mining town in the old days and associated with the bushranger Ned Kelly.

Kiffin Miller 29-May-2006
Andrew Mclean old cross

taken in the sand dunes at alnmouth in northumberland

starting out 05-Apr-2007
Donald Laffert Old Dominion Hunt Animals 08-Apr-2010
Donald Laffert Old Dominion Hunt Point to Point Animals 09-Apr-2010
Anthony Bates Old English Castle 1

Pevensey Castle in South East England

Stoob 14-Apr-2011