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Author Title Folder Created
Ferdz Non Offshore Oilfield Fotos 28-Jul-2009
Ferdz Non Offshore Oilfield2 Fotos 22-Aug-2009
Ferdz Non Offshore1 Fotos 28-Jul-2009
Denny Giacobe OffTheDock

Shot this of some friends fishing off the dock, In my day of film this was called the magic hour.

Lk Shots 30-Jun-2007
Mike Babson Ogwen

The mountain on the left is Tryfan, next to it is Y Garn. The lake is Llyn Ogwen The sun is just out of the picture, giving the scene a huge dynamic range.

MikeB pictures 27-Dec-2007
Kim Guarnaccia Oh Christmas Tree

Taken outside looking in through the window.

Kim Guarnaccia 12-Dec-2004
Bruce Thomas Oh Oh...whats happened...???


Bruce Thomas 16-Jun-2007
Val Bridge Oh Pretty Woman

She was a finalist for Miss Australia '08. Hope I did her some justice.

Vals Random Images 27-May-2008
Ron Schreiber Oh! Susan C-8080WZ 06-Aug-2005
Dave Hamlin Oh, Now I Remember Where I Left It

The woods have grown up, around, and thru this old tractor which must have been left many years ago.

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 27-Oct-2007