The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Pekka Nihtinen Norrkulla Common area 08-Sep-2009
Alaa Elshaer Nort Cost 3 PARIS 2010 28-Aug-2010
Fonzy - North American Wood Duck

This is not a commen duck for the Netherlands I guess, never have seen it before.

I found it in a little water that runs between two fields in the city Papendrecht.

My Birds 2005 13-Jun-2005
Geoff Stow North Beach 2 Geoff's 02-Apr-2006
CG Anderson North Bore

North Bore passage of the Mulu Section, Webster Cave System, Breckinridge County, KY (US).

Darklight Imagery 8080 28-Feb-2005
Lee W North Cascades

This is a panorama stitched from 10 images in two rows. The actual size of the final image has 10848x5550 pixels.

Lee's Collections 18-Aug-2006
Bruce Thomas North Cheyenne Creek II

E-330 40-150mm Kit Lens Velbon Maxi Luxi-F Tripod

Bruce Thomas 09-Oct-2007
Bruce Thomas North Cheyenne III

E-330 11-22mm Zulio Digital Lens. Evening of October 10, 2007

Bruce Thomas 11-Oct-2007
Bruce Thomas North Clear Creek Falls

Well here it is, North Clear Creek Falls image!! I have been anxious to get this fine waterfall photographed. I finally got the job done on a mini-vacation to Creede Colorado for Memorial Day 2011. I hope the image is as powerful as the in person sight of these gorgous falls.

Olympus E-30, 'new' Kit 14-42mm lens, and -10 stop ND filter.

100 iso - 8 seconds @ f13.0

Bruce Thomas 31-May-2011
Alaa Elshaer North Cost 1 PARIS 2010 28-Aug-2010