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Author Title Folder Created
Olav Agnar Frogner Nearby mountain 1

This is from a nearby mountain with the name of Ulriken.

Views of Olav Agnar 29-Sep-2010
Olav Agnar Frogner Nearby mountain 2

This is from a nearby mountain with the name of Ulriken.

Views of Olav Agnar 29-Sep-2010
Olav Agnar Frogner Nearby mountain 3

This is from a nearby mountain with the name of Ulriken.

Views of Olav Agnar 29-Sep-2010
Pekka Nihtinen Nectar

A statue in the Botanical garden of University of Helsinki

Common area 22-Jul-2006
Fonzy - Nectar is good on this flower

They where fighting for the best flower I guess.

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 15-Aug-2005
Kenneth Hooper Necterine Dew

Morning dew on a Necterine blossom

OptiKen 02-Aug-2014
Bruno Nardin Nederland symbol DigitalH 22-Apr-2006
dee vee Needle The Bay Area 03-Jan-2014
David Atrakchi needs shaving David's 08-Jun-2008
Randall Beaudin Nefertiti

Another of my sculptures. Couldn’t afford the original, so I made my own! Made of rigid foam & plaster, 20’ high.

RanD'Art 02-Feb-2008