The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dan Grosz My Sarah

On a fall day in the garden.

Common area 31-Oct-2004
Pedro Afonso My self portrait

This is my first experience with self portraits. The light on the right side comes from a window cover with white sheet, and on the left side was an black paper to improve the shadows. Put some tripod and camera in and with the remote just click.

Pedro Afonso & E500 19-Apr-2007
Neal Friedenthal My Shooter

I belong to the North-South Skirmish Association, we are a group that shoots Civil War Firearms competitively. This is the Riflemusket that I shoot, it is partly original and partly reproduction

Olympus "e" images 25-Sep-2012
Tom Nichols My Son

A quick snap shot of my 5yr son whilst playing in the back yard.

Timnic Pics 02-Jul-2006
Ian Fishwick My Son My Kids 14-Nov-2010
Neal Friedenthal My Sweet Wife

Thirty three years together

Olympus "e" images 09-Sep-2011
Neal Friedenthal My Sweetie

My wife watching TV

Olympus "e" images 08-Apr-2011
Denny Giacobe My Town

Another look with different glass, this is a beautiful barn in my town that the owner had done a great job letting people know where they are and the kind of people who live here.

DennyG 27-Mar-2012
Nikolai Y My wife Pics 04-Apr-2008
Dave Hamlin My Window On The Water

Taken Saturday morning 4/14/07 with a spring Nor'easter due to hit Sunday afternoon. Taken at Well's Beach, Maine just before sunrise. 5:30am

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 17-Apr-2007