The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Greg Mennegar My next door neighbor's cat Sigma OM 90 2.8 Macro Shots 15-May-2010
kirsty bushell my niece Common area 06-Nov-2006
Miguel Fiallo My Old Home Sweet Home in Santo Domingo Colonial

This is my old Home Sweet Home in the oldest part of Santo Domingo.

Miguel Fiallo 06-Jan-2005
jim stirling my old uni gets a face lift jim from scotland 13-Feb-2005
jean marois My pet dragon fly bugs and such 10-Jun-2010
Filaretos Doukas My place

One of the most famus bridge in Epirus N.W of GREECE.

1PicsFromGreece 22-Sep-2007
Pekka Nihtinen My Pot of Tea

Some impromptu experimentation with my for no reason neglected Zuiko 50mm ED. Shot handheld on kitchen table over an afternoon tea. (Old unglazed red clay teapot of Chinese origin)

Common area 26-Jul-2010
Cassius Klay My pride and joy...

Not really a nature photo but something entirely different. My first Long Exposure with a ND110 (10 stops). Processed with Aperture 3.0 and Silver Efex Pro. Worked out pretty welll....

Cassius natuurfoto's 08-Feb-2011
Allan Cich My Ralph Lauren

More of my work can be found here: Subtle Shades Photography LLC,, Facebook: Subtle shades photography, Model Mayhem:, DeviantArt:, Eleven 3 Connections:

On-Location 24-Jul-2011
Shany K. My Reflection Shany's 11-Jan-2008