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Author Title Folder Created
Q Myers Mt. Bachelor

Mt. Bachelor in Central Oregon. Local ski area.

Aerial 18-Aug-2005
Lee W Mt. Baker

This picture was taken from about 90 miles away from this volcano. I mounted an old 300mm manual telephoto lens on an E500 body when taking the picture. The camera was on a tripot. I am very pleased with the result.

Lee's Collections 27-Apr-2007
robert binz Mt. Hood, Oregon

Photo of Mt. Hood as seen just out side the lodge

Binz E500 Photos 16-Jan-2007
robert binz Mt. Hood, Oregon (2)

The view of Mt. Hood at 6am from the Parkdale Fire Station.

Binz E500 Photos 16-Jan-2007
Lee W Mt. Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain)

In Nanhui Province, China

Lee's Collections 25-Nov-2005
Lee W Mt. Rainier

Pictured through a airplane window when flying above 20,000 feet. Mt. Rainier, an active volcano, is the highest mountain in the continential USA (4393m or 14,410ft).

Lee's Collections 22-Dec-2005
Lee W Mt. Rainier Sunset Lee's Collections 10-Dec-2006
Joyce Madden Mt. Rushmore

Mt. Rushmore - the flags are of all USA states and each column states when that state was admitted. Very commercial now.

Jpatm 05-Sep-2012
Chris Galbraith Mt. Timpanogos 1

Long lense shot of blowing snow caused by high winds.

chrishg 01-May-2005
Dave Hamlin Mt. Washington- First Snow

Mt. Washington in the background with it's first full winter coat of snow. 12/4/04

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 19-Dec-2004