The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Juan Salvatierra Movement JSC 05-Feb-2006
Chris Can Moving

The feeling to be on the water, moving slowly at sundown.

Inland shipping 21-Jan-2010
Hans Gerlich Moving Lights H Gerlich 28-Nov-2006
Greg Mennegar Mowing the Lawn e-30 Shots 04-Jul-2010
Darren Walker Mr Dragonfly

Dragonfly captured at Charleston Lake Provinvial Park, Ontario Canada

DWalker 08-Aug-2010
Cleveland Aaron Mr Hudson No.1

Mr Hudson, singer & songwriter.

R.Cleveland Aaron 30-Jul-2010
Mr T Critters 04-Jun-2006
Ricardo Rico Mr. Gyorgy Ricardo R. Rico 29-May-2006
Ricardo Rico Mr. Gyorgy II Ricardo R. Rico 09-Jun-2006
Sergio Di Giovanni Mr. Tambourine man Candid and street shots 22-Aug-2006