The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Bruce Thomas Motion and Magic...

E30 on tripod to do the work of a 5 exposure HDR -2 -1 0 +1 +2 sequence.

Base exposure was 1.3 seconds at f10 @ 100 ISO using the 9-18mm lens @ 18mm

Bruce Thomas 20-Jun-2010
eric meats motion blur

wife and child going down a slid

Common area 15-Aug-2009
Sergio Di Giovanni Moto and model Some photos 03-Apr-2006
david Swinnerton Moto gp racing

Margam hill racing Wales

Miscellanious Images 23-Apr-2008
Jes Consuegra Motorbilke reflections

Olympus E-330 with Olympus Zuiko 50mm 1.8.

Zuiko 50mm 1.8 17-Mar-2009
Ian Reed Mottram in Longdendale

This is Mottram Church it dates back to 1769, it over looks the Longdendale Valley, the shot was taken 04.03.2006.

Ians Photos 05-Mar-2006
luke buisson mouettes luke 01-Nov-2005
Reece Werenka Mount Kidd Morning

Morning shot from lake in kananaskis

0 - E-3 Examples 21-May-2008
Dedy Sunjoto Halim Mount Merapi Dedy Halim 16-Feb-2011
Rick Linstead Mount Mitchell, Denali, Alaska

A view of Mount McKinely in the Denali National Park and Preserve. The park is open May to September and only 5% of visitors will be able to view the top of the tallest mountain in North America. E-520 with 50-200mm Zuiko SWD lens.

Documents 19-Aug-2010