The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
juliette gribnau Mosquito

mosquito sitting on my balcony; it's size was no more than 1 cm.

my macro's 29-Apr-2012
Sergey Green Mosquito sngreen 05-May-2006
manuel sousa Mosquitos 18-Apr-2007
juliette gribnau Moss in the early morning

Polytrichum piliferum in the early morning

my macro's 10-Apr-2014
Bruno Nardin moss in trouble DigitalH 22-Jan-2006
Mike Babson Moss Macro

This lens combination of good old OM lens plus tubes seems ok on the E300. I think the moss is Bryum capillare, but I will be happy for someone to tell me the real name..

MikeB pictures 06-Dec-2006
Mike Babson Moss Macro (2)

As before, but more tube!

MikeB pictures 06-Dec-2006
Pekka Nihtinen Moss shapes Common area 08-Aug-2009
Bob Fordice Mossy Shed Roof

Old shed with moss covered roof

RDF 30-Jul-2012
Fonzy - Moth My Insects 2006 13-Aug-2006