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Author Title Folder Created
paul missall Morning Water Lily Paul's World 17-Aug-2014
Steve Elliott Mornings walk

After nearly 2 weeks of constant rain and horrible weather the sun decided to briefly show itself, I grabbed my camera and had a short walk over Burbage Moor in Derbyshire, within an hour the dreary weather was back! It was nice to stretch my legs and enjoy the fresh air for a while.

Steve Elliott 05-Dec-2005
Bruce Thomas Mornings' Soft Touch...

E-330 40-150mm "Kit" lens...

Bruce Thomas 28-Sep-2007
Roland Fries morray Fotos of the Sea 25-Jun-2007
Jake Park Morris Dancer Lytham club day 25-Jun-2005
Udo Altmann Mosaic at the Exhibition Building Art nouveau in Darmstadt (Mathildenh?he) 29-Sep-2005
Udo Altmann Mosaic at the Exhibition Building (2)

The opposite side of

"Habe Ehrfurcht vor dem Alten und Mut das Neue frisch zu wagen"

Art nouveau in Darmstadt (Mathildenh?he) 30-Sep-2005
Udo Altmann Mosaic in the Hochzeitsturm (wedding tower)

Mosaic (1914) after the design of Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens.

Art nouveau in Darmstadt (Mathildenh?he) 22-Sep-2005
Udo Altmann Mosaic in the Hochzeitsturm (wedding tower) (2)

Mosaic (1914) after the design of Friedrich Wilhelm Kleukens (opposite side of

Art nouveau in Darmstadt (Mathildenh?he) 23-Sep-2005
Udo Altmann Mosaic Niche

Built: 1914 Artist: Albin M?ller (1871?1941)

Art nouveau in Darmstadt (Mathildenh?he) 17-Oct-2005