The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Ricardo Rico Moonrise over vineyards

End of the day near of our village, surrounded with hills, forests and vineyards

Ricardo R. Rico 09-Jun-2006
Tom Hirtreiter Moons tomh1000 14-Jan-2005
Bruce Thomas Moonset during sunrise, Garden of The Gods...

C-7070Z Cokin 1/2 Blue Gradient. very cold but dry morning in Colorado Springs, USA

Bruce Thomas 07-Aug-2007
Dave Hall Moor Hen & Chick Dave Hall's bird photographs. 31-Aug-2012
Fonzy - Moorhen ( Waterhoentje)

Moorhen (Waterhoentje in Dutch) are very difficult to photograph?.As soon they spot you they hide away in the reed or plant aside the water.....I had to sit still for a while then they showed up again......This is the result....

My Birds 2005 21-Sep-2005
Fonzy - MOORHEN on ICE

The Moorhen is also skating on the frozen canal....

My Birds 2006 03-Jan-2006
Fonzy - Moorhen on Ice (2)

Finding food is very hard now the channal is frozen.....

My Birds 2005 30-Dec-2005
Fonzy - Moorhen on Ice (3) Trying to be creative ......How does it look? - My Birds 2006 13-Jan-2006
Fonzy - Moorhen(Waterhoen) This time I made a picture with my E-300 plus Sigma 400mm on a OM adapter. Look at the color differences between ZD50-200 and Sigma 400mm. Click Here to compare. My Birds 2005 21-Sep-2005
Fonzy - Moorhen-(Gallinula-Cloropu)

Thanks Jens for the name : For our Dutch viewers (Waterhoen )

My Birds 2005 20-Sep-2005