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Author Title Folder Created
Johann Ticoalu Moon by night scorpio images 20-Apr-2005
Igor Popovic Moon city Igor Popovic 11-Jul-2005
Lee W Moon Dance

Courtecy to the Hengda Dance Academy.

Lee's Collections 22-Jun-2005
dee vee Moon dance

Zion NP

Spring in the Southwest 19-Jul-2013
Jose Angel Calvo Moon eclipse, March 2007

My own version of the eclipse, with it's three different phases

Sky was very cloudy all the day, but in the last moment it cleared so fast, I had to photograph it from home

That's the first serious use of my Tamron 200-400 f6.3 M42 lens (9.99$ plus shipping from ebay!). A bit soft for my taste, but it did a decent job this time

Nature 06-Mar-2007
Bruno Nardin moon effects DigitalH 03-Dec-2006
fri go749 Moon First quarter Common area 15-Oct-2010
Pekka Nihtinen Moon Gate Common area 14-Feb-2008
Ian Reed Moon Gazing from Skiathos

I tried to make this shot more interesting by including the plants in the foreground.

Night Shots 19-Feb-2006
syed noman MOON LEAVES PATJHAR 01-Oct-2006