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Author Title Folder Created
Gyorgy Decsi Moon

Test of my brand new Zuiko 70-300, on 18 March, 2008

George's photos 21-Mar-2008
Neil Macleod Moon natur 31-Dec-2009
Alaa Elshaer Moon PARIS 2010 31-Aug-2010
Dave Hall Moon 2

Taken with 300mm Zuiko lens on e 300

Odd shots 22-May-2005
luke buisson moon 2

better focusing, high speed, IR remote

luke 23-Dec-2005
luke buisson moon 3

moon third with my mto 1000

luke 08-Jan-2006
Arun Prabhu Moon again!

Moon in the Waxing Gibbous phase - on 27 Nov 09 at ~ 11.00 pm IST. Extensively using my new Zuiko 70-300mm to get familiar.

E-410 photos 28-Nov-2009
Victor Biefnot Moon and fantasy...

While I am on it...(the same as the lately one).

Others 12-Aug-2012
Gyorgy Decsi Moon and Venus Astronomy 27-Mar-2012
Johann Ticoalu Moon by day scorpio images 20-Apr-2005