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Author Title Folder Created
Lee W Monument Lee's Collections 28-Apr-2007
Richard Ociepka Monument Cove

Monument Cove look toward Otter Cliffs

Richard Ociepka 13-Aug-2005
Christopher Ashworth Moody

dark and sinister

Common area 08-Apr-2008
Chris Galbraith Moon

Trying a moon shot with my Tamron 300/2.8 with 2x teleconverter. Shot at approximatley 9:20 pm MDT 06/17/2005.

chrishg 18-Jun-2005
Dave Hall Moon

Taken with Oly 300mm & 4/3 adapter in RAW processed in RawShooter

Odd shots 21-May-2005
Jens Birch Moon

The moon through my 30 years old Kowa TS-1 spotting scope, captured by the C5050. The yellow glow comes from the setting moon close to the horizon. I used an achromatic triplet as eye piece instead of the original one. Under exposed two steps from the spot metered values on the moon. Only cropping, contrast, and slight sharpening made in Paint Shop Pro.

Jens' Nature 20-Jun-2005
Barry Vreyens Moon

My first attempt at mooning.

Barry's 27-Jul-2007
luke buisson moon

test II telelense MTO 1000 (maksutov)

luke 21-Dec-2005
Mark Lester Moon

Moon nearly full - 26 Nov 2009.

Mark's Moon Photos 23-Jan-2010
Hans Gerlich Moon H Gerlich 09-Oct-2006