The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
dee vee Mobius Arch

Alabama Hills

Eastern Sierra 03-Nov-2013
Donald Bryant mobius crane

construction cranes shot through statue.

Effects 07-May-2006
Donald Bryant mobius crane 2

another shot in better weather

Shapes 14-May-2006
Joyce Madden Mock Orange Jpatm 21-Jun-2014
syed noman Mocking Bird1 PATJHAR 07-Jun-2007
syed noman Mocking Bird2 PATJHAR 07-Jun-2007
syed noman Mocking Bird3 PATJHAR 09-Jun-2007
Neal Friedenthal Model 1903 Rock Island Arsenal

Usually refered to as a "Springfield" this model '03 was made at the second arsenal at Rock Island

Olympus "e" images 21-Jul-2013
Joe Saladino Model A Ford

I saw this Model A Ford sedan at an antique flywheel engine and tractor show near Ft. Pierce, Florida.

Miscellanious Images 27-Feb-2012
Lee W Model and Arches

Taken near the Residenz in Munich.

Lee's Collections 28-Mar-2006