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Author Title Folder Created
Chris Galbraith Mill Pond

Mill pond and building located up South Fork of Provo Canyon, Utah.

chrishg 07-Apr-2005
Fonzy - Mill stone Picture taken in the Colloseum of Istrie
My-Miscellaneous 27-Sep-2005
Dave humphreys Millie

First attempt to produce a Raw picture with my new e510 the jpg version is next to this . I have never used Raw before but judging by this I will probably use it a fair bit. what a difference in photos!! and this is only a quick rough conversion from raw.

napper's e-510 photos 17-Jul-2007
Dave humphreys Millie jpeg

jpeg version orf millie showing difference between a raw conversion and a shq version

napper's e-510 photos 17-Jul-2007
Steve Elliott Millstone on Stanage Edge

Stanage Edge located above the village of Hathersage in the Peak District Derbyshire.

Steve Elliott 29-Jul-2005
Mike Babson Milly MikeB pictures 23-Mar-2007
Steve Zeljko Sutic Milo

Our pet

my E30 first shots 26-Mar-2010
Valorie Spencer Milton (RIP 12/14/05)

Milton - my darling. I've always wanted a fat orange cat. Milton is brother to Harley. Unlike Harley, Milton is very social and even plays fetch. He sticks to me like glue and loves to be loved. He's a pain in the rear too. He is practically a "Shrek 2 Puss in Boots" look alike - that's for sure. Milton can be a great subject but he doesn't like to sit still.

Sorry to say that my beloved Milton very suddenly (and peacefully) died in his sleep of Feline Cardio Myopathy on Dec 14th, 2005. He was 1.5yo.

Florida Style 26-Feb-2005
Allan Barredo Mind over Matter

Balabag Waterfalls, Real, Quezon, PH

My two friends are trying to see which one of them can hold it there the longest :D

Shot with a tripod, with a faster shutter speed for the following specific reasons:

1. The human subjects have difficulty staying still. A slow shutter speed would blur them. 2. I want to emphasize the "heaviness" of the water falling on them. A smooth waterfall flow does not have that feeling, I think.

Common area 06-Sep-2006
Christopher Manison Mine all mine

Taken at Moira Furnace, Swadlincote, Derby (20/2/07).

Show 20-Feb-2007