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Author Title Folder Created
Lee W Mid-Summer Evening Lee's Collections 20-Aug-2008
Chris Galbraith Middle Cascade

Middle cascade of Bridal Veil Falls, Provo Canyon, Utah.

chrishg 15-May-2005
Ingrid Matschke Middle of nowhere

I got this shot driving between Sydney to Adelaide recently. It's about 30k's West of Hay, in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a drought. The only points of interest out there were the interesting cloud formation & occasional traffic. Hundreds of k's of flat nothing.

Ingrid Matschke 21-Feb-2007
Neil Pope Middleport Pottery

The area I come from is famous World wide for the manufacture of Pottery. Stoke-on-Trent nicknamed "The Potteries"

This is all that is left of one of the oldest factories in the area.

00--Neil Pope a Collection 08-May-2007
Randall Beaudin Midnight Snack

The kids come down stairs for a snack!

RanD'Art 25-Oct-2006
Lee W Midnight Sun

This was at midnight in Dawson City, Canada.

Lee's Collections 27-Jul-2008
Torvald Bie Midsummer night North of the Arctic Circle 24-Jun-2006
Udo Altmann Midsummer Night Moon

First I thought there was a fire at the horizon but later I detected it was the moon which was unusual "yellow".

Nature and Abstractions 28-Jun-2005
daniel pedriza collado miedo foto denuncia 15-Sep-2005
Christopher Ashworth Might as well jump.

shot with sigma 50mm f1.4

Common area 09-Jun-2010