The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Sergio Di Giovanni Archaelogic site " Altilia" Some photos 21-Sep-2005
Sergio Di Giovanni Archaelogic site " Altilia" 2 Some photos 21-Sep-2005
Filaretos Doukas Arched stone bridge! 1PicsFromGreece 01-Mar-2011
Peter Redey Archer

Archer on Grand Prix Slovakia of Instinktive Archery 2009

Locksley Picture Gallery 02-Mar-2012
Igor Bespamyatnov Arches National Park

Arches National Park, Utah, December, 2005

Colorado 2005 11-Jan-2006
Igor Bespamyatnov Arches National Park 2

Arches National Park, Utah, December, 2005

Colorado 2005 11-Jan-2006
Bruce Thomas Architectural Pie

Looking straight up in a parking garage, downtown Colorado Springs...this is a tad warmer that it looks to the eye when your standing there, but I like the way my E-PL1 rendered the scene. 1/50th f1.7 @1250 ISO, Panasonic 20mm f1.7 lens...

Bruce Thomas 04-Aug-2012
fri go749 Architecture Common area 16-Sep-2005
Ricard Bergstr?m Arctic Fox Ricards animals 23-Oct-2004
Jens Birch Arctic Tern 1 A more artistic expression of the Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea).

This one is from a rainy day at Lake Myvatn in Northern Iceland.

I hope you like it, Jens.
Jens' Wildlife 31-Jul-2005