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Author Title Folder Created
Arthur Wright Little Miss

Little Miss

Arthur Wright 20-Sep-2008
Dirk Guttmann Little monster

need a propper flasch i guess

Macros dirk 13-Jul-2005
Fonzy - Little mouse in the forrest

This little mouse we noticed on the forrest floor . We where sitting outside on the patio off a rental home, getting dark allready and suddenly something catch our eye. I grabbed my camera and made a few shots, this one is the best from 3 then the mouse took off , scared from the flash I guess.

My Macro 2006 30-Jun-2005
kirsty bushell little owl

taken at Paradise Park, cornwall

Common area 20-Aug-2007
Alexander koenders Little owl

Must be a boring day fore this little guy:)

Wildlife photography 23-Jul-2011
Bruno Nardin little panda BNNature 27-Aug-2006
Karen Jack Little Pipsqueak

This is my Mum's dog Pip. She's my little walking buddy, we often disappear into the countryside for hours. We stopped for a rest and I said "rabbits" to her and she tilted her like this, of course I had to get a shot!

Fav Dogs 20-Feb-2007
Camilo Carrillo Little Plants

A set of little plants that grows over a rock.

KMI_PHOTO 14-Jun-2005
Mike Babson Little Pond MikeB pictures 27-Dec-2007
Olav Agnar Frogner Little rascals

The species of brooding birds occurring in the Danube Delta were classified into 12 main biotopes, the classification criterion being represented by the nesting place where they show the greatest relative density.

As to their dynamics, the brooding birds include: 44 sedentary species and 132 migratory ones. The great number of migratory species is explained by the optimal conditions of nesting and especially of feeding the deltaic biotopes are providing in the warm season of the year. This phenomenon is also supported by the presence – in different deltaic biotopes as against the common ones – of some species, which in the rest of their area cover other life environments.

Danube Delta 18-Sep-2011