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Author Title Folder Created
Kevin Dude Linwood Gardens, Tree Peony

I visited Linwood Gardens recently for their tree peony celebration. Ansel Adams and Minor White both photographed this place. It is a real gem in the New York Genesee Valley.

My Flowershots 12-Jun-2009
Joaao Santos Lion Animals 16-Jul-2006
Arnold Schenkel Lion at the ZOO Animals 15-Jul-2005
Thomas Deutsch Lion Fish Red Sea 05-Apr-2005
Alexander Ott Lion Fish Animals 16-Jun-2005
Damjan Gosak lion king

Taken at the zoo in Croatia in the town Zagreb. I couldn't get closer with my kit lens 14-45. But I shoot the whole procedure of him openih and closing his mouth.

Animals 09-May-2009
Arun Prabhu Lion Tailed Macaque

Lion-Tailed Macaque ia a type of monkey seen in the rain fed forests of Western Ghats of southern India. It is not very uncommon to see some of these in semi urban localities, like the place where I live.

I clicked this animal when it suddenly appeared in my backyard. This monkey is very agile and slippery, and disappears in a giffy when it hears alien sounds.

I had very little time, but I managed to grab my camera from the cupboard and take a quick shot fom my top bedroom window. The next moment it spiked a papaya from my garden and ate it. Luckily I could take a couple of pics of the monkey eating the fruit.

This picture is when the Macaque was sitting on a tree at a distance of approx 30 meters.

Animals 01-Aug-2009
Leda Masi lionfish Leda Masi 27-Jul-2005
Katrina Adams Lionfish Hunting 2

These fish were displaying very rich colors., probably for courtship and spawning.

EPL-1 Katrina's Images 08-Feb-2011
Carlos Armas liquenes

fungus in a tree

E410-casa 05-Feb-2008