The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Bruno Nardin Leaves (3) BNMacro2006-2007 13-Jan-2007
Bruce Thomas Leaves Are Gone, But...

still a most favorable place to live...

E-330 11-22 Lens

Bruce Thomas 14-Nov-2007
Udo Altmann Leaves In Hoar Frost Frost, Ice, Snow 11-Dec-2005
Zdenek Becak leaves in the ice Baden 25-Mar-2006
Bruno Nardin leaves of autumn BNMacro2006-2007 28-Oct-2006
Andrew Mclean leaves2

another one from the freezer

starting out 29-Nov-2006
Hans Gerlich leaving H Gerlich 28-Jun-2006
Daniel Bell Leaving Cityscapes & Cubes 01-Dec-2008
Fonzy - Leaving Port My-Travel 08-Sep-2005
Olav Agnar Frogner Leaving Sulina

The acute isolation and the harsh conditions of living, based mainly on subsistence, made the Danube Delta a place of emigration, or at least of transit. Very few of the people born here stay through adulthood. Many people try to sell their homes and start a new life elsewhere.

Danube Delta 01-Oct-2011