The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Neal Friedenthal leaf

Leaf on a plant in a waiting room

Olympus "e" images 14-May-2010
krich chotikarn Leaf chotto's gallery 29-Mar-2011
Patti Anderson Leaf & Rain-001

Raindrops on maple leaf.

PRAnderson's B&W 30-Oct-2004
iMan Biglai Leaf 1 iMan's Pictures 03-Apr-2013
iMan Biglai Leaf 2

This shot is consisting of four different shots with different flash exposures.

iMan's Pictures 03-Apr-2013
Ricardo Rico Leaf 2 Ricardo R. Rico 24-Feb-2007
iMan Biglai Leaf 3 iMan's Pictures 16-Apr-2013
iMan Biglai Leaf 4 iMan's Pictures 16-Apr-2013
Dale Boyce Leaf Eater

Stumbled across this creature in my backyard..seems to have a preference for mango leaves.

Macro photographs 22-Dec-2010
Udo Altmann leaf in hoar frost Frost, Ice, Snow 20-Nov-2005