The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Bruce Thomas Late September, 2007

Walking Path in "Willow Springs Ponds" area, located in Fountain, Colorado. Olympus digicam and my R-72 - work thier magic to make this 'dream of a scene' come true...

Bruce Thomas 02-Oct-2007
Luis Moreno Late Spanish Afternoon at the Studio

multi-talented artist working on Korean painting technique late one afternoon, Salamanca area of downtown Madrid.

Madrid Winter 14-Feb-2013
Bruce Thomas Late Summer...

Not a subject I usually photograph but I had been seeing a patch of small sunflowers on my way to work. Konica Hexanon 40mm f1.8 lens (adapted to OLY 4/3) was used.

Bruce Thomas 13-Sep-2010
Neil Macleod Late Train Landscape_1 09-Aug-2009
Edward Snow Late Train Miscellanious Images 13-Feb-2011
salvador atance Laura

Laura portrait

satance 15-Apr-2011
Ray and Wendy Photography Laura Ray+Wendy 22-Feb-2017
Ram?n Palomo Lavandula stoechas L

This flower is called "Cantueso" in Spain.

Zuiko 50 mm 1.4 S 31-Jul-2005
Ken Thomas Lavatera Ken's Images 27-Aug-2014
Lee W Lavender

in San Juan Island

Lee's Collections 03-Sep-2008