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Author Title Folder Created
Ken Thomas Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphal) male

Four Thirds 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 and EX-25 on E-M1

Following comments re noise have reposted without sharpening.

Ken's Images 27-May-2016
Dave Hall Large Skipper Dave Hall's insect photos 17-Jul-2015
Udo Altmann Larkspur Nature and Abstractions 24-Jun-2005
Bijan Falsafi Larnaca Sunset Fotos 29-Nov-2009
Pekka Nihtinen Larus ridibundus Common area 20-Apr-2006
tom neal larval Ladybug on Verbena

a new macro of a larval ladybug, sitting on top of a cluster of verbena flowers.

Sir_Toejam's Macros 11-Mar-2005
Mark Lester Las Vegas Aria Hotel

Aria hotel - 18 Dec 2009.

Mark's Vegas Photos 25-Jan-2010
Mark Lester Las Vegas Style

Las Vegas Style - 18 Dec 2009.

Mark's Vegas Photos 25-Jan-2010
Shany K. Lasalle Parc Shany's 17-Nov-2007
Bob Anderson Laser and Quartz

Hi Folks, Just starting to experament with some oddball lighting this is a small ruby laser 2 watt fired at a small quartz crystal I am finding out laser shots seem noisey but that it actually scattering light. Any help would be welcome

Bob's Shots 24-Oct-2006