The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Sergey Green Anyone knows what bird it is? sngreen 08-Dec-2005
Sergey Green Anyone there? sngreen 20-May-2006
Dave O Anyone's Seat Looseknee's Pics 06-Nov-2007
Paulo Calvo anyone? (Public) Paulo's Photos 04-Oct-2007
Stephen Dodd Apache

Apache Fishing Boat

Common area 28-Sep-2004
Nikolai Y aperture

just try the lens but I like it

Pics 28-May-2008
Bruno Nardin aphid BNMacro2006-2007 10-Mar-2007
Bruno Nardin aphid 2 BNMacro2006-2007 26-Mar-2007
Sergio Di Giovanni Apocalipse now Some photos 30-Aug-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Apostle on roof

There are four (if I remember correctly?) apostles standing on each of the corners of the Great Cathedral in Helsinki. Statues are far from the ground so I had to use 2.2X teleconverter to get closer.

Common area 17-Sep-2005