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Author Title Folder Created
Donald Bryant Kalamalka Tracks

Railroad tracks along Kalamalka lake.

Landscapes 02-Dec-2005
Nyal Cammack Kali

This is my latest rescue, Kali (possibly named after the Hindu Goddess Kali or "The Black One"? She's a good little girl who's got some problems getting around but there's still plenty of life in her!

I was playing around with bouncing my E500 flash off the ceiling using a piece of white card stock. This is how the shot I took came out, no post processing.

NCammack Photos 05-Nov-2011
Pekka Nihtinen Kallahti Common area 15-Mar-2009
Pekka Nihtinen Kallahti in December Common area 29-Jan-2006
Rocco Zoric Kalom Croatia 25-Sep-2010
Gerthard Crnkovic Kamacnik Sea and lakes 21-Aug-2008
Valentina Vukadinovic Kamacnik Nature beauty 22-Apr-2010
Valentina Vukadinovic Kamacnik2 Nature beauty 22-Apr-2010
Greg Mennegar Kamlan 50MM f1.1 sample image OM-D E-M1 21-Feb-2018
Greg Mennegar Kamlan 50MM f1.1 sample image small OM-D E-M1 24-Feb-2018