The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Bruno Nardin Infinite see DigitalH 29-Mar-2006
Randall Beaudin Infinitesimal

Fishermen in front of Hydro Dam.

RanD'Art 05-Nov-2007
Adolfo Hernandez Infra monterrey 11-Oct-2006
Bruce Thomas Infrared

Been trying to figure a Good PS Work Flow for Infrared - this is the C-5050 and R72 filter. Constructive comments/ critiques welcomed...

Bruce Thomas 17-Aug-2005
Neil Macleod Infrared

Tree near Saskatchewan river.

Landscape_1 01-Nov-2009
Neil Macleod Infrared (2) Landscape_1 01-Nov-2009
Lee W Infrared Dream House

In an experiment of using a vintage lens plus a R72 filter to take infrared pictures on an E500 body.

Lee's Collections 28-May-2007
Bruce Thomas Infrared DreamLand 1

Olympus C-2020Z and R-72 Filter

Bruce Thomas 27-May-2007
Neil Macleod Infrared Echodale park Mono Landscapes 13-Jun-2011
Lee W Infrared Falls

Taken with an infrared filter. In IR, water falls are less bright, so that they have the transparent look.

Lee's Collections 22-Apr-2006